Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'd Like to Order One Baby...Blue Eyes and Blond Hair Please.

Imagine a world where everyone looked like the same. Imagine everywhere you looked, the people looked like they came out of a magazine? Well soon we won't need to imagine, because technology is developing and becoming more advanced everyday. Soon, it may become reality.

What is it?

The term, “designer baby” refers to a baby whose genetic make up has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of certain genes or characteristics. In order to do this, processes like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are required. In vitro fertilization is the process by which egg cells are fertilized outside the womb. The fertilized egg, or zygote, is then placed inside the uterus, hopefully establishing a successful pregnancy. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis refers to procedures done on an embryo before it is implanted into the uterus. It screens the embryo for any genetic conditions that could later lead to a disease. PGD can be offered for three major groups of diseases which are sex linked disorders, single gene defects or chromosomal disorders. Embryos that are free of any mutations are implanted in the uterus and the ones that do have mutations are simply discarded. This procedure makes it highly likely that a baby will be born free of diseases and disorders. However, PGD is not only used for screening for disorders but can also be used for sex selection. The embryos resulting from IVF can also be genetically tested for X or Y chromosomes. The embryos of the desired sex are then implanted.

Although at the moment, modifying are or selecting are children's genes has mostly been for medical purposes, in the future it could be used for cosmetic purposes. The future is not far ahead because as I said PGD is already being used for sex selection. It is possible that soon PGD can be used to select your child's hair colour, eye colour, their abilities, intelligence and so much more. The big question is, are the research in genetic processes getting to out of hand? First let's examine the benefits and disadvantages of “designer babies”.


One main advantage of “designer” babies is that they can be used to help save lives. Like I said before, using methods such as IVF and PGD can be used to screen embryos for any genetic conditions that could lead to harm for the baby. It can reduce a baby's chance of being born with serious illnesses such as Down Syndrome, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis and rare blood disorders. Couples with a history of genetic disorders choose to use these procedures to ensure their child is born well and healthy. Couples may also use this procedure in order to save the life of one of their other children. For example, if they have a child with a rare blood disorder, they can “design” a child that is healthy. The healthy child then becomes a donor increasing the sick child's chance of survival. One of the reasons people find that PGD is the way to go is because the screening is done on the embryo before implantation. Many women, who are already pregnant and find out that their baby has genetic condition decide to terminate their pregnancy. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis finds the problem before the pregnancy is technically established. It helps some people avoid the psychological and physical trauma that comes along with having an abortion.


There are many advantages to “designer babies”, but those advantages come along with many disadvantages. Firstly, PGD is not successful 100% of the time. One of the reasons is that the sample form the embryo that is tested is so small, it cannot be screened for every possible genetic problem. There can also be the problem of a misdiagnosis. Basically PGD, does not guarantee a successful pregnancy or a healthy baby. The embryo can also be damaged when removing the sample cell. However, one of the major problems is the ethical implications.

Ethical Implications

The problem is that procedure such as PGD are now being taken to far. They are not only used for medical purposes or to save someone's life, but for cosmetic purposes. At first there was sex selection and now it is possible it can go as far as choosing your child's abilities. There are many reasons people find the idea of PGD and “designer babies” wrong. For example, some couples may use PGD to help save the life of one of their other children. People find this ethically wrong because it seems like the child is being created just so it can be used for something else. It reduces the child to an object being made to benefit someone else. Another major problem is the fact that embryos who are found with genetic conditions are discarded. Like I said before, people may use PGD to avoid having to possibly terminate their pregnancy later on. However, many may find PGD to be wrong on moral and religious grounds. It is basically the same thing as an abortion. Many people, such as pro-life groups believe that even though it is an embryo it is still a living human being. Discarding a embryo is the exact same thing as having an abortion. It is still killing the innocent. All those embryos that have ever been discarded may have grown up to be an amazing and life changing person. There are many debates arguing that the embryos have the right to not be genetically modified. People retaliate by saying the parents have the right to do whatever they want to their unborn children. However, the fact is that that embryo is still a person. How would we feel if someone could do whatever they wanted to us and we had no say in the matter. Why should our rights be different from theirs. Another ethical issue is the fact that people may be able to choose the way their children look and act. In i way, humans have begun to take the role of God. Many people believe that they were created in God's image and that God had his reasons for it. Unfortunately it will soon become, we were created in the way our parents and society think is beautiful because science made it possible. There are many social implications that come along with this issue. If it becomes possible to choose eye and hair colour, the IQ and abilities of our children, there will soon be a different kind of race of humans. It will be like a super race, where they are considered superior and look down and frown upon those who have not been genetically modified. Society will also be greatly divided into the rich and the poor. Assuming that these procedure will be expensive, it will be the rich who can be beautiful and protected from disease and disabilities. It will be the poor that have to suffer from disease and disabilities and the discrimination that will come along with it. Those who are “different” will be considered worthless. It is similar to the time of Hitler. Hitler and his Nazi's set out to create a “super” race or a perfect human race by eliminating those of certain ethnic background, those with diseases and those with disabilities. Hitler's desire for perfection led to a mass genocide and is one of the most horrific time sin history. What is to say, that won't happen again?

If everyone looked the same, where would be the magic in the world? If everyone looked, acted and had the same abilities, there would be no diversity. If parents could choose how smart their children would be, would there only be doctors and lawyers in the world? Would everyone have a place in the world? Humans are not just clothes that you can design and throw away if you don't like it. We cannot start all over if we don't like the design. These are lives we are dealing with nature we are messing with.









  1. HI SYLVIE! Your designer baby blog is done very well. When reading about this topic it seemed wrong, but not extremely wrong until i finished reading it. Your blog explains why it’s wrong, the advantages and disadvantages and how we humans are taking the role of GOD! I like how you added pictures to help explain your topic. The baby picture on the very top is so cute! But when i think of it, everybody wants a child with blue eyes and perfect straight hair, because the media around them is influencing them into making these decisions. I personally think that designing your baby is WRONG. Science is very helpful and is needed sometimes but we can't use science for everything. People really need to sit down and think about this before they take the role of GOD. Thank you for you very descriptive blog on designer babies.

  2. Hey Sylvia,

    Well, as you may already know, I am a big fan of the title, it's clever. Designer babies bring up a lot of issues. It can be beneficial that pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is being used to screen embryos for possible diseases, but in my opinion, terminating a pregnancy at an early stage, is similar to abortion.

    When I think about the big picture, it disgusts me how materialistic our world has become. It is so sad that appearances seem to be everything anyone ever cares about anymore. Don't get me wrong, some people are not materialistic at all, but I'm referring to the majority of the world. Are we that desperate to have a beautiful child that we're willing to test out several embryos until we find the right one? Not only that, but also discarding the ones that don’t fit our expectations?! Every child is beautiful! Every child SHOULD be beautiful in the eyes of his parents; so if this is true, why bother designing your own baby? Will you love your child more if he turns out to have green eyes than brown eyes?

    The appearance of the child should not affect the parents in any way; they should love him no matter how he looks. As for choosing genes to determine how a child thinks or acts is unbelievable, that is the parents' job: to raise the child the right way! This seems like an easy way out for the parents, "Oh we'll just pay thousands of dollars now, and he'll turn out well no matter how we raise him." WRONG. I know some of the parents who consider designing their baby don't think like that, but many of them do, deep down. It is so selfish of them to do something like this, and what an example it sets for their child who is bound to find out he has been "designed" to act and look the way he does.

    Overall, I very much enjoyed your blog, especially the powerful ending.

    - Clodia Kassis

  3. Hey Sylvie
    Your bio blog is crazy. You opened and explored every area that could possibly be a part of this topic. i agree on you advantages and disadvantages. Although it kind of made me scared that possible the immortality of hitler may be true. As we do not relize what we are doing is exactly all we wronged him for such as making people look a certian way or to think certian things. I believe people need to open thier eyes to that, and take a step back and look at all sides of the story. Therefore i think that they should truly read this blog entry. It is amasing how you described how someone starting off so small can have an everlasting effect on all humans and their future. As well as the desisions we made as the evloution of humans may be taken to an extreme if people allow it. As well if people dont like the way their baby looks they are insulting themselves because that baby has all the features of youself as well as your partner. We have to keep in mind everything happens for a reason, and everyone is brought to earth for a reason to to try to change that is wrong and immoral.
