Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'd Like to Order One Baby...Blue Eyes and Blond Hair Please.

Imagine a world where everyone looked like the same. Imagine everywhere you looked, the people looked like they came out of a magazine? Well soon we won't need to imagine, because technology is developing and becoming more advanced everyday. Soon, it may become reality.

What is it?

The term, “designer baby” refers to a baby whose genetic make up has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of certain genes or characteristics. In order to do this, processes like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are required. In vitro fertilization is the process by which egg cells are fertilized outside the womb. The fertilized egg, or zygote, is then placed inside the uterus, hopefully establishing a successful pregnancy. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis refers to procedures done on an embryo before it is implanted into the uterus. It screens the embryo for any genetic conditions that could later lead to a disease. PGD can be offered for three major groups of diseases which are sex linked disorders, single gene defects or chromosomal disorders. Embryos that are free of any mutations are implanted in the uterus and the ones that do have mutations are simply discarded. This procedure makes it highly likely that a baby will be born free of diseases and disorders. However, PGD is not only used for screening for disorders but can also be used for sex selection. The embryos resulting from IVF can also be genetically tested for X or Y chromosomes. The embryos of the desired sex are then implanted.

Although at the moment, modifying are or selecting are children's genes has mostly been for medical purposes, in the future it could be used for cosmetic purposes. The future is not far ahead because as I said PGD is already being used for sex selection. It is possible that soon PGD can be used to select your child's hair colour, eye colour, their abilities, intelligence and so much more. The big question is, are the research in genetic processes getting to out of hand? First let's examine the benefits and disadvantages of “designer babies”.


One main advantage of “designer” babies is that they can be used to help save lives. Like I said before, using methods such as IVF and PGD can be used to screen embryos for any genetic conditions that could lead to harm for the baby. It can reduce a baby's chance of being born with serious illnesses such as Down Syndrome, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis and rare blood disorders. Couples with a history of genetic disorders choose to use these procedures to ensure their child is born well and healthy. Couples may also use this procedure in order to save the life of one of their other children. For example, if they have a child with a rare blood disorder, they can “design” a child that is healthy. The healthy child then becomes a donor increasing the sick child's chance of survival. One of the reasons people find that PGD is the way to go is because the screening is done on the embryo before implantation. Many women, who are already pregnant and find out that their baby has genetic condition decide to terminate their pregnancy. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis finds the problem before the pregnancy is technically established. It helps some people avoid the psychological and physical trauma that comes along with having an abortion.


There are many advantages to “designer babies”, but those advantages come along with many disadvantages. Firstly, PGD is not successful 100% of the time. One of the reasons is that the sample form the embryo that is tested is so small, it cannot be screened for every possible genetic problem. There can also be the problem of a misdiagnosis. Basically PGD, does not guarantee a successful pregnancy or a healthy baby. The embryo can also be damaged when removing the sample cell. However, one of the major problems is the ethical implications.

Ethical Implications

The problem is that procedure such as PGD are now being taken to far. They are not only used for medical purposes or to save someone's life, but for cosmetic purposes. At first there was sex selection and now it is possible it can go as far as choosing your child's abilities. There are many reasons people find the idea of PGD and “designer babies” wrong. For example, some couples may use PGD to help save the life of one of their other children. People find this ethically wrong because it seems like the child is being created just so it can be used for something else. It reduces the child to an object being made to benefit someone else. Another major problem is the fact that embryos who are found with genetic conditions are discarded. Like I said before, people may use PGD to avoid having to possibly terminate their pregnancy later on. However, many may find PGD to be wrong on moral and religious grounds. It is basically the same thing as an abortion. Many people, such as pro-life groups believe that even though it is an embryo it is still a living human being. Discarding a embryo is the exact same thing as having an abortion. It is still killing the innocent. All those embryos that have ever been discarded may have grown up to be an amazing and life changing person. There are many debates arguing that the embryos have the right to not be genetically modified. People retaliate by saying the parents have the right to do whatever they want to their unborn children. However, the fact is that that embryo is still a person. How would we feel if someone could do whatever they wanted to us and we had no say in the matter. Why should our rights be different from theirs. Another ethical issue is the fact that people may be able to choose the way their children look and act. In i way, humans have begun to take the role of God. Many people believe that they were created in God's image and that God had his reasons for it. Unfortunately it will soon become, we were created in the way our parents and society think is beautiful because science made it possible. There are many social implications that come along with this issue. If it becomes possible to choose eye and hair colour, the IQ and abilities of our children, there will soon be a different kind of race of humans. It will be like a super race, where they are considered superior and look down and frown upon those who have not been genetically modified. Society will also be greatly divided into the rich and the poor. Assuming that these procedure will be expensive, it will be the rich who can be beautiful and protected from disease and disabilities. It will be the poor that have to suffer from disease and disabilities and the discrimination that will come along with it. Those who are “different” will be considered worthless. It is similar to the time of Hitler. Hitler and his Nazi's set out to create a “super” race or a perfect human race by eliminating those of certain ethnic background, those with diseases and those with disabilities. Hitler's desire for perfection led to a mass genocide and is one of the most horrific time sin history. What is to say, that won't happen again?

If everyone looked the same, where would be the magic in the world? If everyone looked, acted and had the same abilities, there would be no diversity. If parents could choose how smart their children would be, would there only be doctors and lawyers in the world? Would everyone have a place in the world? Humans are not just clothes that you can design and throw away if you don't like it. We cannot start all over if we don't like the design. These are lives we are dealing with nature we are messing with.








Monday, October 5, 2009

Humans…stewards of the world?

Many scientists believe that humans are the most invasive species, because humans can greatly change and environment and impact living things that live there. There is no doubt that human intervention has, in some situations, positively affected the biodiversity of our ecosystems. However, that is not true in many cases. I am choosing to talk about global warming. I will talk about how humans have helped create global warming and how it is affecting the biodiversity and living things of our planet.

Global warming is the increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures which has occurred due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially form pollution. All climate scientists believe that it is a fact that the earth’s temperature is gradually increasing. Temperatures have increased, on average, by one degree Fahrenheit. Although this sounds insignificant, this small increase has already had a immense impact on the environment and will continue to do so for a long time. Scientists have determined a number of factors that has caused global warming. Of course, some of them are natural, but the majority of causes are man made. These are known as greenhouse gases.

What are greenhouse gases? Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun within the earth’s atmosphere. As a result of this, earth’s surface and atmosphere are heated. The main contributor to greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can be released into the atmosphere in many ways such as, burning fossil fuels in factories, cars, coal plants and many others. Methane is another contributor to greenhouse gases. It is actually 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. It can be released from agriculture, fertilizers, industrial gases and many other sources. It is not only the big businesses that contribute to this problem. Each one of us makes a big contribution to the greenhouse gases found in the atmosphere by using luxuries such as air conditioning and heaters and driving our cars.

Another major cause of global warming it the size of our population. The increase in our population leads to an obvious increase of fossil fuel usage for energy, transportation and power. Also, all these people need food. This leads to an increase in deforestation for agriculture. This is a problem because us humans breathe out carbon dioxide and the trees which convert that into oxygen are slowly disappearing little by little. The increase in population can also lead to an increase in cattle/livestock who are actually large contributors to greenhouse gases. Their feces or manure is another source of methane.

Global warming has already had several effects on our planet and will continue to do so. One of these affects is the increase and spread of infectious diseases. As northern countries warm and winters grow milder, many infectious and disease causing insects, bacteria, viruses and fungi will be able to move into new areas and harm diverse species such as lions, snails, butterflies and humans. Disease carrying insects and bacteria that were once barred from certain areas due to severe seasonal chills can now invade. For example, mosquitoes now move up mountainsides and infect animals that were once protected by temperatures. Also, the rise in temperatures will also speed up the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. Average temperatures in the Arctic region have risen twice as fast and the ice is getting thinner, melting and then breaking. For example, the largest single block of ice in the Arctic, called the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, had been around for 300 years. However, in 200 it started to crack and within two years split all the way through and is now breaking into pieces. As a result of melting polar ice caps and glaciers, the sea level will also rise. This can in turn cause many more problems. Not only do the melting glaciers and ice caps cause the sea level to rise, but it also poses a threat of throwing global ecosystem out of balance. Ice caps are fresh water and when they melt, they desalinate the ocean. The desalinization of the gulf current will screw up the ocean currents, which are supposed to regulate temperatures. Global warming also has a huge impact on animals and plants. The increase in global temperatures are disrupting ecosystems and pushing species that cannot adapt to the brink of extinction. It is estimated that around 1 million species could become extinct by 2050 if this continues. For example, polar bears are drowning because they have to swim longer distances to find ice floes. It is predicted that two thirds of the world’s polar bear population will be extinct by mid-century due to melting polar ice caps.

Humans have made many great and positive impacts on the world and its ecosystems. However, as you can see, we humans have also negatively impacted the planet we live on and all its living things. Due to our carelessness and misuse of the world’s resources, we have put our planet in peril. We have disrupted ecosystems, helped diseases grow and endangered the lives of many species of animals and plants. Many scientists believe that humans are the stewards of the world because we van greatly change an environment and impact living things that reside there. However, but isn’t being a steward taking care of things and making sure everything runs smoothly and well? I think we humans need to prove that we can be stewards of the world by making a change, taking care of our planet and by stopping global warming.

My References: